How to enable and add database in PostgreSQL in Webuzo

This guide will assist you in creating a PostgreSQL database.

Create a PostgreSQL database by going to your Webuzo enduser Panel > Database > Manage PostgreSQL.

1 – First search for Services in webuzo panel and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

2 – Now look for PostgreSQL option and enable it as shown in screenshot below.

3 – Make sure the service is running after enabling it.

Now we need to create a new postgreSQL database

1 – Please login to your webuzo panel now.

2 – Search PostgreSQL and enter it.

3 – Simply name the database you want to build and click the button to get started.

4 – To view the generated database, select Databases(s).

Congratulations! You’ve successfully added a PostgreSQL database using Webuzo. Remember to keep your database credentials secure and update your application configurations accordingly. 

Author – Preston