London, UK – December 1, 2013 – A leading UK Web Hosting Provider, WebHostUK LTD announced the launch of R1Soft Continuous Data Protection (CDP) Backup Solution available for purchase at a very low price.

R1Soft is the cutting-edge backup technology ideal for data protection. Using R1Soft Continuous Data Protection (CDP) Backups reduces the risk of data loss. Unlike any other backup solution, R1Soft takes snapshot of entire server frequently and captures data at block level.
With WebHostUK R1Soft Backup solutions, customer will be able to maintain backup of their data as a disaster recovery solution. You will be able to securely and affordably protect important data against loss and unintended modification. R1Soft Backup solution is ideal for businesses of any size with data storage needs or disaster recovery planning.
The backups are taken on an offline server located in remote data center for data security and disaster recovery. The Backup is maintained on the offline server for a period of 7 days and then it will get overwritten.
Tim Harris, Business Development Manager of WebHostUK said, “R1Soft is a leading and most reliable Backup Solution which keeps the data safe without adding expenses and workload as it takes backup at block level. “ He further added, “We already offered free backups but customers did not have much control over the copies of their data. With R1Soft Backup Solutions, our customers will get to choose how frequently backup should be taken which will also give them flexibility to choose backup copy to be restored in case of data loss.”
WebHostUK offers you flexible backup size option, meaning you can choose the size of backup space according to your requirement. WebHostUK Backup size options range from 1GB to 1TB which is ideal to maintain multiple backup copies such as daily and weekly. Customers who does not have web hosting plan with WebhostUK can also order this economical and secure backup solution and save copies of their important data.
WebHostUK R1Soft Backup Plan starts from £0.50 GBP per GB. With no contract, WebHostUK offers easy billing options starting from monthly and features good savings on annual, biennial and triennial billing terms. As a promotional offer, WebHostUK is also offering 10% Discount for life which can be redeemed by using 10R1SOFT Coupon code.
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