cPanel on Linux Server is a web based control panel tool which helps to manage web hosting account through a web interface instead of a console. With cPanel we are able to accomplish our tasks faster and even non-professionals can easily manage websites via cPanel.
To create email accounts, forwarders, and autoresponders as well as account and user-level filtering to manage email.
Fight spam with BoxTrapper, Apache SpamAssassin, and email authentication.
Then, use mailing lists to broadcast your message.
Allow email account suspension and password verification.
Yo can setup subdomains, addon domains, domains Alias (parked ), and redirects.
Identify your site with Simple DNS Zone Editor and Advanced DNS Zone Editor.
Store large amounts of data and limit access using MySQL databases.
Edit and back up files and folders while monitoring your website’s disk space usage.
Configure password-protected directories, IP address denials, SSL/TLS, and GnuPG key settings to restrict access. Protect your site with HotLink Protection, Leech Protect, and ModSecurity.
Apps Galore
Take advantage of third-party software for blogs, eCommerce, bulletin boards, guest books and more to build a robust, dynamic site.
Know your audience and track your website’s performance using Webalizer and AWStats.
Allows you to run a certain command at times set by the job. For example, you could set a cron job to delete temporary files every week so that your disk space is not being used up by those files.
cPanel empower you and offer the ability to administer every facet of their website using simple, point-and-click software.
How to start?
Shared web hosting is one of the most affordable and economical options to host your website. If you would like to use cPanel to manage your Website, Our Linux cPanel web hosting We offers Professional Web Hosting with a wide range of plans to choose from Linux cPanel hosting, designed to deliver extremely fast web hosting for your website, ensuring reliability, security and quality at the most affordable price.
Backup with cPanel expert support team round the clock and free one-click installation scripts for all popular application software’s such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, b2evolution etc, Free website file and database transfer.