An IP (Internet Protocol) address is Completely separate from your website domain.
IP is a sequence of numbers assigned to every device that accesses the Internet.
Your Domain is your website’s address, the location where it can be found on the Internet. Each domain name has a IP address assigned to it. Your Server’s IP address is a unique label that allows the Internet, websites, to identify your specific device when it accesses a website.
Additionally to computers and mobile devices, servers also have their own unique IP addresses.
Most Hosting and website providers offer variations on two different types of hosting; Shared Hosting and Dedicated Hosting.
With shared hosting, all of the resources are pooled together to host many sites without regard for who owns the site, how much traffic a site receives, etc.
With dedicated Server hosting, all of a server resources are still applied to a specific set of sites, but the way those resources are allocated is at the discretion of the person renting the server space.
Shared IP and Dedicated IP operate in the same way. While each hosting account has the same IP in a shared hosting scenario, a dedicated IP is an exclusive address that is unique to your hosted server. While a dedicated IP address is exclusively yours, you might choose to serve different sites from that IP address.
In case of shared hosting, there are often hundreds of sites that all hosted on the same server therefore, they all have the same IP address.
In the case of dedicated hosting, sites may share the same hosting provider, but do not all have the same IP address.
There is always quite a common controversial issue: Is it necessary to have a dedicated IP address for your website and why? as you can use shard one. Hosting Site on Shared Server.
Dedicated IP provides with certain crucial advantages, There are number of reasons why it is recommended to use Dedicated IP address for a website, hosted on a Shared server.
Dedicated IP will provide with ability to access server directly without changing DNS settings for the domain name, to check how website is going to look before pointing domain name to the server and launching your website on the web.
Your website running over a Shared IP address may cause unpredictable difficulties and email service may also be affected in this case. Using dedicated IP, isolates your service from being affected by consequences of abuses made by others. There are some situations when some user, sharing the same IP address with you gets banned or blacklisted for spamming which may possibly affect your email service as well.
For online-store or e-commerce related website, it is quite necessary to grab SSL certificate and Dedicated IP address for the website, in order to provide security for your data. Customers feels more safe making transactions on the website which uses dedicated IP address and SSL Certificate.