421 Too many connections from this IP

This article discusses why you may receive a Too many connections from this IP error message when you use FTP, and how to resolve the problem.

Causes an idle FTP connection?

The default setting is usually 8 or 10 simultaneous FTP connections from 1 IP. If you exceed this amount, you may run into a 421 Connection Error which are often caused by Idle FTP connections.

Idle FTP connections are caused when an FTP client opens multiple connections, without closing the previous ones, or due to an incorrect setting.

VPS and Dedicated hosting plans have the ability to modify the number of simultaneous connections allowed in their WHM; the default setting is usually 8.

Increasing this limit will prevent the error messages.  Our Shared and Reseller plans allow up to 8 simultaneous FTP connections from 1 IP address at a time, but cannot raise this limit.

Response: 421 Too many connections (8) from this IP

If your FTP client is using more than 8 connections at the same time, you will get refused with a message similar to this:

Response: 421 Too many connections (8) from this IP Error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Disconnected from server Status:  Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt...


Closing Idle Connections in cPanel (Disconnect users from an FTP session)

If you suspect malicious activity from a user, or if the user is idle, you can disconnect their FTP session.

To disconnect a user from an FTP session, perform the following steps:

1. Login to cPanel, Click the FTP Session button under the Files section.



2. You will then see a list current FTP connections. Click the disconnet_icon icon next to the process ID that you wish to disconnect in the Action column.



You will then see a message similar to this Are you certain that you wish to disconnect the “test@” FTP user? Click the Disconnect button to proceed.


Now check reloading the page.